Free Vision

See clearly with Yogic eye exercises

Some say the eyes are the window to the soul, meaning when we look deeply into the eyes of another person, we can catch a glimpse of their true essence.Our eyes may very well be a window in, potentially offering profound clarity into the nature of others, but they are also a window out and offer equal opportunity for us to glimpse the true essence of the world we live in.The five senses completely inform us with regard to our place in the world, especially our sight. Our bodies are constantly making decisions about what information is important and what is not long before we ever become conscious of what we are seeing.Practicing yogic eye exercises is a chance to become more connected to this process of discernment and to take a new view on the world around us. Plus, it will make our eyes stronger and potentially improve vision. The eyes are muscles after all, so they need exercise and stretching too.Here are a few easy exercises to practice anytime. Try one or two each day:PALMINGRub your palms together quickly for a few seconds to generate heat. Fit your warm palms over the orbits of the eyes, creating complete darkness, and allow the heat to seep into the muscles around the eyes.LAZY 8sStabilize your chin with the index and middle finger of one hand. Reach the other arm out straight in front of you and extend the index and middle fingers of that hand. Move your hand in large, slow, sideways 8 shapes and follow your fingertips with your eyes. Go slow enough so that you can explore the edges of your perception. What is the largest 8 you can make and follow comfortably? Do this for 30 seconds or so, breathing deeply the whole time, then bring your fingers in to touch your nose, still following with your eyes. Blink a few times. Switch hands and the direction of movement, repeating on the second side. Follow with palming.RESTUse an eye pillow or a folded towel over your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes of relaxation and rejuvenation. Allow your eyes a rest from the busy work of perception with a little quiet darkness. The gentle pressure from an eye pillow is also good for stimulating lubrication of the eyes and strengthening the muscles.


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