Spring Cleaning

FOR A FRESH START, WE MAKE SPACE BY CLEARING OUT THE OLDThe weather is warming, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blossoming. Are you feeling ready to throw open the windows and let all of that freshness come inside?The urge to spruce up the house and the yard this time of year is only natural and may already be part of your spring-time tradition.After a long, dormant winter, clutter has accumulated throughout our lives and as we transition into a season of new growth and new beginnings, we let go of the old and welcome the new. This process not only applies to our environments, but to our bodies as well.Throughout the year, clutter has been accumulating in our bodies, making us feel heavier and causing us to use more energy for the digestive process. To make a fresh start and to prepare your body for the bounty of spring and summer foods, try a 3-7 day cleanse early this Spring.There are many ways to cleanse and many factors to consider before choosing the right cleanse for you.Cleansing is not just a process for the body, but also for the mind. As we cleanse our bodies and create space there, we also create space for contemplation.A few things to consider when choosing the right cleanse for you: - How much time can I devote? Can I take time away from my regular routine?- What resources are available to support me in this process?A few types of cleanses to consider:- A mono diet, like kitchari (lentils or mung beans and rice)- A supplemental cleanse from the health food store- A juice or liquid fastDo a little research before deciding on the method for you. If possible, it is very beneficial to make space to relax and rest during your cleanse.


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